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Pengarang: Lilin Rahmawati, dkk

Penerbit: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan Kemdikbud

ISBN: 9786022445135

Ukuran File: 151 KB

Total Diunduh: 6 kali

1 What Are You Doing?
2 There Are 67 English Books
3 My Living Room is Beside The Kitchen
4 Cici Cooks in The Kitchen
5 Where is My Pencil?
6 The Stove is in The Kitchen
7 I Can Make Fried Egg in The Kitchen
8 Be On Time!
9 I Go to School after Having Breakfeast
10 He Alwasys Gets Up at 5 o’clock
11 How Do You Go to School?
12 He Goes to School by Bike