Cover Buku
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Pengarang: Siti Wachidah, Yuli Rulani Khatimah, dan Diyantari.

Penerbit: Pusbuk Kemendikbud

ISBN: 9786022829836

Ukuran File: 250 KB

Total Diunduh: 6 kali

First Semester
Chapter 1. Congratulations!
Chapter 2. Let’s live a healthy Life!
Chapter 3. Be healthy, be happy.
Chapter 4. This is how you do it!
Chapter 5. Everybody is always in the middle of something.
Chapter 6. We have been to an orphan home. We went there last Sunday.

Second Semester
Chapter 7. Sangkuriang
Chapter 8. They are made in Indonesia.
Chapter 9. What is it?
Chapter 10. Come and visit us!
Chapter 11. You can always come back home.